
Check out these awesome juicer articles.

Pros and Cons of Juicing vs Blending

Pros and Cons of Juicing vs Blending

Blenders quickly amassed a lot of popularity when people began to realize how much they could help over their overall health statuses. The same can be said of juicers, but unfortunately, they don’t enjoy the same popularity blenders enjoy because, although they function similarly, blenders are a lot more versatile than juicers, giving them a […]

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Should You Buy Extended Warranty on Appliances

Should You Buy Extended Warranty on Appliances

If you’re purchasing appliances, warranties are not something you should overlook as they’re very important. Should you buy an extended warranty on appliances? Let’s find out in this article. Also in this article, we’re going to be looking at the difference between an extended warranty and a home warranty, exploring the pros and cons of

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Why are the champion juicers banned in Australia

Why are the champion juicers banned in Australia?

The Australian government banned the importation of Champion juicers as designed because the juicer operates on the mastication process. Over the last few decades, the Champion Juicer has built a reputation for durability and quality that has ensured they enjoy pride of place as one of the most popular and well-known cold press or masticating

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