How to install cooktop on granite countertop

How to install cooktop on granite countertop?

  • Installing anything a cooktop requires a lot of carefulness and strict adherence to instructions. We’ll be taking you a step-by-step guide to install your cooktop on a granite countertop.
  • We’ll also be explaining in detail, what a granite countertop is, as well as its pros and cons.

Traditional stoves always have an oven attached to them but the same can’t be said of a cooktop because it is always separated from an oven which is mostly installed beneath the countertop while the cooktop takes the top spot. The installation process appears to be a little complicated but it’s not as hard as it looks. Usually, the cooktop is placed directly on the counter which is right above the cabinet where the oven is installed. It is widely believed that the difficulty of a cooktop installation largely depends on the surface of your countertop. It is even trickier when you have a granite countertop because of the properties granite is made of. However, we’ll be taking you through the guide on how to install your cooktop on a granite countertop.

Drilling into a granite cooktop is hard, and that’s why the installation process is a little complicated when compared to other surfaces. You can even damage the granite countertop if you don’t get the drilling right, and that’s why you need to be very careful with the installation. Thankfully, there are ways to go about it to make the installation successful and clean. The good thing is that you can do it yourself and with the right tools and guidance, you’re most likely to get it right even at your first try.

You need to prioritize safety whenever you’re installing your cooktop on any kind of surface. Always make sure both the oven and cooktop are not connected to either electricity or gas when you’re installing them. This is to make sure nothing goes wrong during the installation process and to always make sure everybody in the house is safe. Also, don’t be afraid to get help whenever you’re installing a cooktop from someone of the same capability in the house. You’ll be doing a lot of lifting and you don’t want to destroy your cooktop, especially when it’s heavier than what you can normally handle.

If you’re purchasing a new installation kit, make sure it perfectly matches with the purpose of which you’re getting it in the first place; being able to neatly work on a granite countertop. Once you have the right tools, the rest is as easy as just following the outlined steps. We’ll be taking you through how to install a cooktop on a granite cooktop later in this article.

Before we get into that, let’s look at what a granite countertop is, what makes it so special, and the pros and cons that come with it.


A lot of people prefer granite countertops in their homes because they offer a different type of style to any room they’re in, whether it’s your kitchen or bathroom. They are considered as high-end options and they obviously belong to that exclusive class due to their toughness and durability. This countertop material has gained more popularity in recent years and it doesn’t seem like that’s changing anytime soon. Just like every other part of your kitchen, and the home generally, your granite countertop needs proper maintenance to retain its beauty. It’s just best to opt for a different countertop material if you’re not going to have time to properly maintain this ‘beaut’!

We’ll now be talking about the reasons why granite countertops are the best countertop option for you as well as some of their limitations.

How to install cooktop on granite countertop



We mentioned earlier that granite countertops belong to an exclusive class; the list is finite. Naturally, having granite countertop(s) in your home increases its market value and not just that. It adds something special to your home; something uncommon and that’s what makes it so valuable. It makes your kitchen more noticeable, especially if it’s an open space. All you need to do is to get the one that perfectly blends with your walls, floor and perhaps cabinets too.

granite countertop ADDS MORE VALUE TO YOUR KITCHEN, having granite countertop(s) in your home increases its market value


One of the things that make a granite countertop a great option is its ability to resist stains and bacteria. You don’t also have to worry about being in close proximity to your range or cooktop because it’s heat-resistant as well. You can even place your hot cooking pan or pots on it without the fear of the countertop getting damaged, although this is not recommended and it shouldn’t be deliberate. Being a hard material, you can barely see a granite countertop get affected by scratches. The only thing you should be worried about is that it’ll dull your knife blades.

Although much of this is owed to how perfectly it is sealed during installation, which is why you need to get every step of the installation process right to avoid damages to your precious granite countertop.

granite countertop a great option is its ability to resist stains and bacteria


A quick fact. According to Countertop Guides, granite remains the second-hardest natural material, only behind the diamond. With a granite countertop, you might never have to change your countertop, ever again unless the initial installation isn’t as good as it’s supposed to be. Getting the installation right is the most complicated thing about a granite countertop. Once you’re able to scale past this stage, all you have to do is to relax and enjoy your precious countertop for as long as you possibly can.

Granite compressive strength hardness absorption specific gravity



This is what we’ve been talking about for the bigger part of this section. If you don’t correctly have your granite countertop sealed, it might cause you more problems and that’ll begin with staining. When a granite countertop is not properly sealed during installation, it will begin to absorb different particles and even which will then produce a kind of stain that might not be so easy to remove.

When a countertop starts to become a safe haven for bacteria, then the kitchen might no longer be a safe space for you to cook without you having to clean more often than you normally should.

If you don’t correctly have your granite countertop sealed, it might cause you more problems


This is an obvious fact but we still have to state it. Good things don’t come easy and that’s the case with granite countertops; they are always priced highly. The good thing about this is that it is worth all the money spent on it. Granite countertops are considered one of the best home investments you can have as they make your property more valuable.

Granite countertops are considered one of the best home investments you can have as they make your property more valuable


The installation of a cooktop on a granite countertop is a tricky one and you’ll need the right tools as much as the best methods to make a successful installation. Drilling granite might cause major damage to the countertop so there are different ways which you can try out. We’ll be looking at two in this article; installation with and without mounting clips. Both methods are effective and we’ll be outlining the step-by-step guide on how you can use both methods to successfully install your cooktop on your granite countertop.



1. Using a clean towel, add acetone to the interior edges of the cutout you have on your granite countertop. This is to eliminate dirt as that can pose a great threat to the whole installation process.

Using a clean towel, add acetone to the interior edges of the cutout you have on your granite countertop

2. Use a caulk gun to add little silicone to the back sides of the mounting clips while leaving a small space for the hot glue too.

Use a caulk gun to add little silicone to the back sides of the mounting clips while leaving a small space for the hot glue too

3. This is the time to put your hot glue gun to use. Use it to apply the right amount of hot glue to all the back sides of the mounting clips just like you did with the silicone.

This is the time to put your hot glue gun to use

4. Proceed to attach the clips to the granite countertop and leave for about. This is usually done 24 hours before the installation of the cooktop so the clips have enough time to dry.

Proceed to attach the clips to the granite countertop and leave for about

5. Press the cooktop firmly into the cutout space on the granite countertop and make sure it fits perfectly into the mounting brackets.

Press the cooktop firmly into the cutout space on the granite countertop

NOTE: Don’t be quick to install your cooktop right into the cutout countertop space as soon as you finish attaching the mounting clips. Like we stated earlier, you need to wait for about 24 hours so the clips dry properly before taking the cooktop on. If you rush the process, you’re likely not to get the best result and this might cause a lot of damage to both your cooktop and your granite countertop. Remember there’s always a cabinet beneath and you need to do everything possible to avoid serious consequences.

You’ll also need to take extra precaution before connecting your cooktop to a power source or gas. The whole setting has to be fully ready for operation before it can function properly and safely.


Installation without mounting clips is pretty much the same as the previous method but with little differences. The most obvious difference is that the cutout required on your countertop when you’re not using mounting clips is usually wider. This means that the whole cooktop will sit perfectly in the opening. This is the most popular method because most people find it easier to do than the previous method. The only major challenge might be getting a professional to help you make the perfect opening on the countertop and it usually costs extra.


1. The first thing you want to do is to try out the cooktop in the cutout space to know if it properly fits in. Although the measurements must have been properly calculated before cutting, you still need to double-check to make sure everything is in order. In a case where the cooktop doesn’t fit right into the opening, there might be a need for readjustments so it can sit right on the countertop without issue.

Granite measurements must have been properly calculated before cutting

2. After putting your cooktop on the countertop surface to see if it fits in, the next thing is to apply silicone to the edge of the cutout opening as well as the cooktop bottom edge. This step is as important as the rest of the installation process because it helps remove any dirt on both surfaces, causing them to bond well.

Granite apply silicone to the edge of the cutout opening as well as the cooktop bottom edge

3. Fill your caulk gun with enough silicone and apply it to each of the ¼ inch tubes you must have cut out using a knife.

Fill your caulk gun with enough silicone and apply it to each of the ¼ inch tubes you must have cut out using a knife

4. Place the cooktop into the cutout countertop space and press firmly until the edges sit tightly on the countertop.

Place the cooktop into the cutout countertop space and press firmly until the edges sit tightly on the countertop

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do you cut a granite countertop for a cooktop?

The best professional advice you can get anywhere is to involve an expert, especially if you’re not so familiar with the process. Granite countertops are expensive and you shouldn’t try to experiment on them if you have no idea how to go about it. Although you might be able to get it done if you have the right tools at your disposal, we still recommend you to seek a professional touch so nothing goes wrong in the end.

2. What should you not put on a granite countertop?

Granite countertops are strong and can stand the test of time. However, there are things you shouldn’t constantly put on the surface of your granite countertop because you don’t know when it’ll lose its seal and these things will start affecting its beauty. Be careful not to put household items that have a high quantity of acid in them such as nail polish, soaps, citrus fruits, vinegar, and many more.

3. Can a granite countertop be cut after installation?

Yes, although it’s rare. There are cases where you’ll need to replace your cooktop and what you have your eyes set on is different from the one that granite was initially cut out for. In this case, you can make some modifications to cut out more space to accommodate your new cooktop (if the new one is larger).





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